
Photo by Mikhail Nilov on

Let me tell you I was never into routine and chores. But since recently some knowledge and thinking helped me to stay ahead and think differently on basic concepts of health. Routine during these times makes life a lot easier. It gives a sense of purpose and time of the day is well utilized.

There are a trillion online classes these days starting from basic crafts, intricate art classes, photography masterclasses to alternate health classes. I myself underwent few interesting ones. Few are really worth it. Time and Money well spent.

One such yoga class has been of a lot of help wrt staying in routine for now. I enjoy following this routine no matter other things. Other media to keep me occupied are the Netflix, Hotstar, Prime, Wynk, Audible, Kindle, Ebooks and Audio books. Time well spent should say on these times of chaos and uncertainity with respect to ‘When all things will return to normal?’ – the question in all of our wonderfully bizarre minds. Stay Chill…

Photo by cottonbro on

Current song mood: Pineapple vannathodu red apple kannathodu..